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Real-Time Database Systems

Fundamentals, Architectures and Applications
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This book provides an overview of both experimental and commercial real-time database systems (RTDBs) and a systematic approach to understanding, designing, and implementing them.To this end, the book is composed of four chapters: Chapter 1 An Overview of Real-Time Database Systems delves into the realm of RTDBs and discusses the specific requirements, transaction models, and scheduling algorithms that set RTDBs apart from conventional DBMs. Chapter 2 on Experimental Real-Time Databases presents various experimental RTDBs developed in academia with their architectures, features, and implementations, while chapter 3 on Commercial Real-Time Databases does so for systems developed and offered by commercial vendors as products or services. Eventually, chapter 4 on Applications of Real-Time Database Systems showcases various applications of RTDBs across different domains.This book will help researchers, graduate students and advanced professionals to get anoverview of the area and to understand the main challenges and systems available.


Type de produitLivre
Date de parution09.11.2023
Edition1st ed. 2024
Pages132 pages
DimensionsLargeur 155 mm, Hauteur 235 mm, Épaisseur 8 mm
Poids213 g
N° article48014604
Source des données n°45623592
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Pedro Mejia-Alvarez received his BSc degree in computer systems from ITESM, Querétaro, Mexico, in 1985, his PhD degree in Informatics from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain, in 1995. He pursued his PostDoc Research at the Computer Science Department of the University of Pittsburgh in 1999-2000. He has been a Professor with the CINVESTAV-Guadalajara since 1997. His research interests include Real-Time Systems, Software Testing and Software Engineering.Ricardo Zavaleta Vazquez received his MsC degree in computer science from CINVESTAV-Guadalajara. He is currently a Software Engineer at ORACLE MDC in Guadalajara, México, His research interests include Databases, Real-Time Systems and Software Testing.Susana Ortega-Cisneros received her BSc degree in communications and electronics from the Universidad de Guadalajara, México, in 1990, the MSc degree from the Center for Research and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV),  México City, México, and the PhD degree in computer science and telecommunications from the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain. She is currently with CINVESTAV and specializes in the design of digital architectures based on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), DSPs, and microprocessors.Raul E. Gonzalez Torres received his PhD in Mathematics from the University of Houston in 1987. His research interests are Formal Software Verification, Automatic Theorem Proof, Demonstration Theory for non-classical Logics and Applications of Logic in Engineering and Computing.

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Plus de produits de Gonzalez Torres, Raul E.

Plus de produits de Ortega Cisneros, Susana

Plus de produits de Zavaleta Vazquez, Ricardo J.
