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Big Data Concepts, Theories, and Applications

Guo, SongEditeurYu, ShuiEditeur
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The lastsection of this book introduces Big Data applications from differentcommunities, such as business, engineering and science.Big Data Concepts, Theories and Applications is designed as a reference for researchersand advanced level students in computer science, electrical engineering andmathematics.


Type de produitLivre
Date de parution14.03.2016
Edition1st ed. 2016
Pages437 pages
DimensionsLargeur 160 mm, Hauteur 241 mm, Épaisseur 30 mm
Poids834 g
N° article3926989
Source des données n°19116838
Plus de détails


Guo, SongEditeurYu, ShuiEditeur
Dr. Shui Yu received the B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees from Universityof Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, P. R. China, in 1993and 1999, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from Deakin University, Victoria,Australia, in 2004. He is currently a Senior Lecturer with the School ofInformation Technology, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. He haspublished around 100 peer review papers; many of them are in top journals andtop conferences, such as IEEE TPDS, IEEE TIFS, IEEE TFS, IEEE TMC, and IEEEINFOCOM. His research interests include networking theory, network security,and mathematical modeling. Dr. Yu actively serves his research communities invarious roles, which include the editorial boards of IEEE Transactions onParallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials,and three other international journals, TPC of IEEE INFOCOM, symposiumco-chairs of IEEE ICC 2014, IEEE ICNC 2013 and 2104, and many different rolesof international conference organizing committees. He is a senior member ofIEEE, and a member of AAAS.Dr. Song Guo received the PhD degree incomputer science from the University of Ottawa, Canada in 2005. He is currentlya Senior Associate Professor at School of Computer Science and Engineering, theUniversity of Aizu, Japan. His research interests are mainly in the areas ofprotocol design and performance analysis for reliable, energy-efficient, andcost effective communications in wireless networks. Dr. Guo is an associateeditor of the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems and threeother journals, and an editor of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing.He has published over 120 papers in referred journals and conferences. Hereceived the Best Paper Awards at IEEE HPCC 2008 and IEEE SCE 2011, theOutstanding Leadership Award at IEEE ISPA 2008, the Outstanding Service Awardat IEEE ICESS 2010, and the prestigious Information Technology Award of FunaiFoundation for Information Technology 2008. He guest edited special issues inIEEE Transactions on Emergent Topics in Computing, and four other journals. Hehas also served on organizing committees and program committees for over 70international conferences and workshops, like IEEE INFOCOM 2012, IEEE MASS2011, IEEE WCNC 2008-2012, PIMRC 2009-2011, etc. He is a senior member of theIEEE and the ACM.

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